National News

Politicians denounce shoe, ink attacks on Nawaz, Khwaja Asif, demand investigation

Politicians denounce shoe, ink attacks on Nawaz, Khwaja Asif, demand investigation

PESHAWAR, (MILLAT ONLINE):The politicians of mainstream political parties, lawyers and civil society organizations here strongly condemned shoe attack on former Prime Minister, Muhammad Nawaz Sharif and throwing ink on Foreign Minister Khwaja Muhammad Asif, demanding proper investigation of these unfortunate incidents to unmask the real culprits.
While ,expressing solidarity with Nawaz Sharif and Khawaja Asif, they also underlined the need for proper training and education of political workers to avoid such unlawful incidents in future besides unmasking the real perpetrators.

PML(N) Parliamentary leader in KP Assembly, Sardar Aurganzaib Nalota has strongly condemned both the incidents and demanded thorough investigation to unmask the identity of mastermind behind it. He said both attacks are highly offensive and have to be unequivocally condemned.

He said Nawaz Sharif was the most popular political leader of Pakistan and he could not be removed from people’s hearts through such cowardice attacks. The sympathies of people with PMLN Quaid have increased after the shoe hurling, which was widely condemned.

He said popularity of PMLN has significantly enhanced in the country and will emerge victorious in the upcoming general election, saying participation of sea of people in Nawaz Sharif and Maryam Nawaz’s rallies in different cities had showed overwhelming trust and confidence of people in the policies of his party.

Nalota said such attacks has showed increase in political intolerance in the society, which can be addressed by educating political workers, promoting political values, eliminating poverty and economic inequality.

“Politicians are the real face of a democratic country and no country can make progress and achieve development by disrespecting them,” he said.

Nalota said great responsibilities rest on the shoulders of political leaders, media, civil society and educationists to play its active role by educating political workers and people about importance of politicians, core values, political culture, tolerance, harmony and patience in the society.

ANP leader and former Provincial Minister Wajid Ali Khan has also strongly condemned these unfortunate incidents and demanded proper inquiry of it.

Terming intolerance in politics not a good omen for democracy, the ANP leader said no individual, politician and institution can be safe and democracy would be adversely affected if politicians were dishonoured publically and intolerance continue to grow in the society.

He said foe countries did not want progress and stability in Pakistan in the wake of CEPC and was trying to create political instability and unrest in our country, adding such nefarious designs of the enemy would be frustrated with unity and national cohesion. The ANP leader demanded proper protection to all political leadership.

Pro-Vice Chancellor, Islamia College University, Prof Dr Naushad Khan while deploring the above Incidents said such unlawful actions should never be appreciated as it was earning a bad name for the country.

To avoid such incidents in future, he said, we need to work tirelessly to eliminate poverty, class based education system and promote core values imperative for co-existence, tolerance and harmony in the society.

He said problems occurred when there were an economic imbalances, poverty and disrespect to power of arguments in the society.

Dr Nausahd underlined need for active role of educationists, media and civil society for promotion of core values, ethics and tolerance in the society to avoid such incidents in future.

Strongly condemning the incidents, Jumat e Islami leader and former Spokesman KP, Israr Ahmed demanded high level probe to unmask the real culprits.

Terming in intolerance in society very dangerous for democracy viz a viz for the country, he said such direct attacks on top political leadership on the grounds of dissimilar view-points would serve nothing but create political instability and anarchy in the society.

The JI leader said problems occurred when we did not accept power arguments and wanted to impose our own view points on others through force.

He said attacks on political opponents can’t deprive them from peoples support rather increased their strength among masses.

The JI leader said Pakistan can make progress only when all state institutions work under its constitutional domain and respect mandate of people, which was the only way forward to achieve economic prosperity.

Former PPP KP President and veteran politician, Rahimdad Khan had also condemned the attack on Nawaz Sharif and Khawja Asif and termed it highly regrettable.

He demanded proper security of political leadership as general election was nearer and the country can afford another assassination like that of Benazir Bhutto Shaheed who laid down life for democracy and rights of people.

The PPP leader said democracy will flourish only when we respect each others’ arguments and view points despite political differences and respect mandate of people with open hearts. He said people would decide about future of political parties and not by pessimist forces. He urged people to get unite for 2018 general elections.