National News

NIA interrogates Syed Salahuddin’s sons, relatives

NIA interrogates Syed Salahuddin’s sons, relatives

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):India’s National Investigation Agency continuing its harassment tactics questioned six relatives of prominent freedom leader Syed Salahuddin, including his four sons, in Indian occupied
According to Kashmir Media Service, the NIA questioned four sons of Syed Salahuddin and also his son-in-law and son-in-law’s brother in Srinagar in connection with a false case registered in 2011. It summoned Syed Salahuddin’s sons Shakil Ahmed, Javaid Ahmed, Abdul Wahid and Abdul Mueed, as well as Hizb chief’s son-in-law, Umar Farooq, and his brother Syed Khalid.
“NIA summoned us and sought our bank details,” Umar Farooq told a local English daily Kashmir Reader. The agency also questioned us about our activities since our childhood till date, he added.
Inspector General of NIA Police, Alok Mittal, in an interview said, “We examined four sons of Salahuddin and his two other relatives today (Wednesday) in Srinagar. All six people were sent back home.”
Syed Salahuddin’s sons said that NIA was harassing them to put pressure on their father. They said that the agency was issuing summons and interrogating the family members to put pressure on Syed Salahuddin.
Syed Salahuddin’s elder son, Shahid Yusuf, who was arrested by the NIA in October, last year, is in judicial custody in Delhi’s Tihar Jail.
“Shahid Yousuf has been arrested in a fabricated case. The only motive behind detaining him is to force our father into submission,” they said.