National News

Pakistan calls back its HC from India for consultations: FO

Pakistan calls back its HC from India for consultations: FO

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Owing to the growing tension between two countries, Pakistan had called back its High Commissioner from India for consultation after harassment of its diplomats in New Delhi, Foreign Office said on Thursday.
During his weekly press briefing on Thursday in Foreign Office, Spokesperson Dr. Muhammad Faisal said Pakistan was determined to raise this issue at every level as the security of its diplomats was utmost priority.
He said Pakistani politics revolved around internal issues unlike India where their politicians competed in elections by using Pakistan card.
He added that minorities especially Muslims were also being mistreated in India.
The Spokesperson said Indian occupation forces in IoK had martyred five Kashmiris during last week, including two engineering graduates.
“Pakistan raised the issue of India’s grave human rights violations in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IoK) during the 37th Session of UN Human Rights Council, being held in Geneva, Switzerland”, he added.
Dr Faisal said that despite being the belligerent violator of international laws India had been making failed attempts to isolate Pakistan internationally.
“India’s denial of access to the UN Fact-finding Team is a “desperate attempt” to hide its atrocities in the most militarized zone of the world.” he said.
Dr Faisal said that Pakistan believed in non-military solution to Afghan conflict and supported Afghan intra inclusive dialogues.
“Pakistan keeps on reiterating that it supports an Afghan-lead and Afghan-owned solution in war-torn county”, he said.
Replying to a question, the Spokesperson said Pakistan welcomed the announcement of head money by the United States on TTP terrorists, Mullah Fazal ullah and others adding however, there was need to do more in this regard.
He said that consultations were going on at every level with US but they were away from public glare.
Responding to another query, he said that internal shuffle in US government did not affect Pakistan’s relation with US.
“Pak-US relations are not personality based but on the mutual interests and cooperation”, he added.
He said during the recent visit of Iranian foreign minister, Dr. Javad Zarif, two sides agreed to continue engagement for enhancing economic cooperation including bilateral trade, investments and commercial interaction, in order to promote the shared prosperity.
Regarding the question of connecting of CEPC to Chaha Bahar port, Dr Faisal said that Iranian FM floated the Idea and it was being examined.