National News

APSCC demands fresh probe into Chittisinghpora massacre

APSCC demands fresh probe into Chittisinghpora massacre

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):A Sikh representative organization, All Parties Sikh Coordination Committee (APSCC) in Indian occupied Kashmir, has demanded a fresh probe into the Chittisinghpora massacre in the territory in which 35 Sikhs were killed by Indian troops in 2000.
According to Kashmir Media Service, thirty-five members of Sikh community were killed in disguise by Indian troops in Chattisinghpora area of Islamabad district on March 20 in 2000 on the eve of the then US President, Bill Clinton’s visit to India.
The APSCC Chairman, Jagmohan Singh Raina in a statement issued in Srinagar said that although 18 years had passed since the massacre, no headway had been made in the case. The delay in justice has led to disillusionment among the members of Sikh community, he added. He urged the Indian government and its puppet administration in occupied Kashmir to go for fresh probe into the Chittinsinghpora massacre.
He said since the locals countered the claims of the authorities that the Indian forces killed five persons involved in the killing of 35 Sikhs, it was imperative that the whole incident be probed so that culprits were brought to book and justice delivered to the affected families.
It is important to mention here that Indian troops had orchestrated the Chittisinghpora carnage and blamed the Kashmiri freedom-fighters for it to defame the Kashmiris’ freedom movement. The troops had killed five persons and charred their bodies beyond recognition in Pathribal area of the district a few days later on March 25 claiming that the killed were involved in the Chittisinghpora incident. However, later the investigations proved that the slain persons were local civilians, who were picked up by the Indian Army from different areas and were killed in a fake encounter.