National News

IoK JI seeks UN intervention for Kashmir settlement

IoK JI seeks UN intervention for Kashmir settlement

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Jamaat-e-Islami (JI), in Indian occupied Kashmir , has sought intervention of the United Nations to address the Kashmir dispute, which is the root cause of bloodshed in the territory and tension between Pakistan and India along the Line of Control and the working Boundary.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the JI spokesman in a statement issued in Srinagar said that the Kashmiri people had been demanding their right to self-determination since 1947 but their genuine voice was being muzzled by India by the dint of state power as a result the civilian population was suffering and the people had been deprived of all the basic freedoms available to all human beings.
He said that thousands of people had been killed by Indian troops in occupied Kashmir, thousands maimed, thousands detained and even the people were not being allowed to live a peaceful and free life. The populated areas are cordoned off at any time during the day or night and kept under the siege, he deplored.
The JI spokesman maintained that the sanity demands that genuine voice of people should be heard patiently and their grievances justly be redressed by holding tripartite dialogue among the people of Jammu and Kashmir and the governments of India and Pakistan to find an amicable solution to the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the aspirations of the Kashmiri people.
Meanwhile, the President of Jamiat Ahle Hadith, Professor Ghulam Muhammad Butt Al-Madni, in a statement urged the Ulema to highlight the Indian atrocities in the occupied territory. He also appealed to the world human rights organizations to play their role in defusing border tension between Pakistan and India.