International News

Dutch split in referendum on boosting data spying powers

Dutch split in referendum on boosting data spying powers

The Hague, (MILLAT ONLINE):A referendum over a controversial law giving Dutch authorities greater online spying powers turned into a neck-and-neck race Wednesday, with exit polls showing the country was split down the middle.
Millions of Dutch voted in elections for local government councils, but the knife-edge results of a simultaneous referendum over the contentious security law came as a surprise.
Turnout was low at around 48 percent of the 12 million eligible to vote and choose councillors to stand in 380 municipalities.
Exit polls showed that 49 percent voted in favour of the legislation to allow the Dutch intelligence service AIVD to trawl for information by penetrating internet fibre-optic cables.
Some 48 percent voted against however, according to a combined exit poll by Ipsos research agency and the NOS public broadcaster late Wednesday.