National News

IOK people urged to forge greater unity among their ranks

IOK people urged to forge greater unity among their ranks

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):The Chairman of All Parties Hurriyat Conference, Syed Ali Gilani, appealing the Indian occupied Kashmiri people to forge greater unity among their ranks has asked them to beware of those elements that want to create wedge among the masses and harm the ongoing freedom movement.
According to Kashmir Media Service, Syed Ali Gilani in a statement issued in Srinagar said that certain elements on social media were creating wedge and sowing seeds of hatred. “It is unpleasant and detrimental and a nuisance which has evolved an anarchy like satiation for Ummah, particularly for freedom movement, as occupant factions are taking undue advantage from this meaninglessness exercise within society,” he said.
The APHC Chairman said, “When whole Muslim Ummah particularly people in Kashmir are being killed and maimed, such elements instead of taking notice of issues related to freedom movement are deliberately pushing Ummah towards anarchy. Delivering hate speeches, sermons and declaring opponents as infidels and deviators is quite unsolicited and this is derailing and deviating (us from) our movement against occupants.”
Syed Ali Gilani appealed to the religious clerics, ulema and religious organisations to stop fringe elements from spreading hate and forge unity. He said dividing Muslim Ummah is a major sin and stressed ulema of different sects to show wisdom as the people of Kashmir are passing through horrendous situations.
“We are reeling under appalling situations. We are being killed and caged and in such situation, the need of the hour is to join hands and resist tyrant and occupant forces. Instead of indulging in hate speeches against opposite groups, it is advisable to put all your efforts and energy against those trampling our freedom right,” he said.