National News

Indian troops martyr one more youth in IOK

Indian troops martyr one more youth in IOK

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Indian troops, in their fresh act of state terrorism,in Indian occupied Kashmir, martyred one more Kashmiri youth in Badgam district.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the troops killed the youth, Shafat Hussain Wani, during a cordon and search operation at Khan Mohallah Arizal in Beerwah area of the district in the wee hours. A 17-year-old girl identified as Humaira sustained bullet wounds in the firing of the troops.
Thousands of people participated in the funeral of the martyred Shafat Hussain Wani in his native Wagoora area of Baramulla district. Eyewitnesses said that thousands of mourners, including men, women and elderly, assembled in the area after the news of Shafat’s martyrdom reached there. The mourners raised pro-freedom, pro-Pakistan and anti-India slogans as the body of the martyr was laid to rest at his ancestral graveyard. The puppet authorities had suspended mobile internet services in parts of Baramulla and Badgam districts following the killing. The authorities had also deployed Indian troops and police personnel in strength in Wagoora to prevent people from staging demonstrations against the killing.
On the other hand, the puppet authorities buried the dead bodies of two unknown youth killed in Dooru area of Islamabad district in remote Gantamullah area of Baramulla district. This was done to prevent massive participation of masses in the funeral prayers of the martyred youth if their bodies had been handed over to the local people.
Hurriyat leader, Mukhtar Ahmad Waza, visited Balhama area of Srinagar today, and expressed solidarity with noted poet, Madhosh Balhami, whose house was destroyed during a cordon and search operation by Indian forces recently.