International News

UN faces ‘day of shame’ over failed Syria truce: Haley

UN faces ‘day of shame’ over failed Syria truce: Haley

United Nations, United States, (MILLAT ONLINE):US Ambassador Nikki Haley on Tuesday rebuked the UN Security Council over Syria, saying the failure of a 30-day ceasefire should be a “day of shame” for council members.
Russia hit back that it was the only country working to turn the ceasefire into a reality on the ground in Syria, where government forces have recaptured nearly all of Eastern Ghouta in a fierce month-long offensive.
“This should be a day of shame for every member of this council,” said Haley.
She said 1,600 people had “died on our watch” in Eastern Ghouta since the council unanimously adopted a ceasefire resolution on February 24 after intense negotiations with Russia, President Bashar al-Assad’s ally.
Syrians continued to be taken on buses out of Eastern Ghouta on Tuesday in an evacuation the West sees as a strategy of starve-and-siege, directed against civilians to force a surrender of armed groups.
“After years of enduring siege and starvation, residents are surrendering Eastern Ghouta,” an enclave on the outskirts of Damascus, said Haley.
“History will not be kind when it judges the effectiveness of this council in relieving the suffering of the Syrian people.”
Russian Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia said the departures were voluntary and that Moscow’s forces were providing food, shelter and medical aid to those in need.
“Perhaps it is not to the liking of some, but in fact we are the sole member to undertake concrete measures to implement Resolution 2401,” said Nebenzia.
France expressed concern with the fate of 55,000 civilians held in nine camps administered by the Syrian government near Eastern Ghouta, without access to water or electricity.
“Their fate has not improved. Their hell has just moved a few kilometers (miles) away,” said French Ambassador Francois Delattre.
UN aid agencies continue to be denied access to Eastern Ghouta.
Sweden and Kuwait, which drafted the ceasefire resolution, maintain that it remains in force and are urging action to ensure the truce finally takes hold across the country.
UN aid chief Mark Lowcock told the council that “the last few months have been some of the worst yet for many civilians inside Syria.”
About 80,000 civilians from Eastern Ghouta have been taken to places in Damascus city and in rural Damascus while nearly 20,000 combatants and civilians have been transported to locations in northwest Syria, said Lowcock.
The war in Syria entered its eighth year this month with little hope of a breakthrough on a diplomatic solution to end the carnage.