International News

Egypt votes for third day with eyes on turnout

Egypt votes for third day with eyes on turnout

Cairo, (MILLAT ONLINE):Egyptians were voting on Wednesday in the third day of a presidential election guaranteed to give a second term to Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, leaving turnout as the only contest.
Voters trickled into polling stations as authorities encouraged them to show up in high numbers.
The country’s election authority warned it would implement a law fining people who do not vote 500 pounds (about $30), saying that not voting “serves the interests of people who hate the country,” state television reported.
Sisi won his first term in 2014, a year after the former army chief ousted his Islamist predecessor Mohamed Morsi following mass protests against him.
He won that election with 96.9 percent of the vote, against a left-wing candidate.