National News

Gilani barred from offering funeral prayers in absentia

Gilani barred from offering funeral prayers in absentia

ISLAMABAD, (millat online):The puppet authorities did not allow the Chairman of All Parties Hurriyat Conference, Syed Ali Gilani in Indian Occupied Kashmir to offer funeral prayers in absentia for the youth martyred by Indian troops on Sunday.
According to Kashmir Media Service , Call for the funeral prayers in absentia was given by the Joint Resistance Leadership comprising Syed Ali Gilani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and Muhammad Yasin Malik. However, the occupation authorities scuttled the move by detaining Hurriyat leaders including Syed Ali Gilani in house or jails.
As soon as the octogenarian leader attempted to come out of his Hyderpora residence in Srinagar, he was stopped by police, an APHC spokesman said in a statement.
Syed Ali Gilani, the statement said, is not only a prominent political personality, but also religious preacher, and keeping him away from people’s political, religious and social issues is ample proof of this part of land being governed by an autocratic, undemocratic and unjustified rule.
“It is tantamount to interference in religious matters. Authorities are suffering from arrogance and frustration,” the spokesman added.
Referring to the statement of Indian police chief, wherein he had said that Syed Ali Gilani was now free, the APHC said that their rhetoric for freedom of speech proved hoax as political and religious leaders were continuously caged and political space was denied to them.