National News

Yasin Malik slams slapping of black law PSA on boys

ISLAMABAD, (APP): Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF)
Chairman, Muhammad Yasin Malik has condemned the slapping of draconian Public Safety Act (PSA) on teenage boys, especially in south of Indian occupied Kashmir.
According to Kashmir Media Service, Muhammad Yasin Malik while
denouncing the arrest spree unleashed by Indian police in Islamabad and
Kulgam, in a statement in Srinagar said, “The authorities are hell-bent upon
destroying the careers of these young boys.”
“A boy from Lazibal Islamabad, Irfan Ahmad Khan, who is in jail for the
last many months has yet again been slapped with PSA to prolong his
incarceration,” he said, adding “This is another example of how freedom of
expression is being choked in Kashmir.”