International News

N. Korea video shows rocket attack on South’s president

SEOUL, (APP/AFP) – An official North Korean
website has released a new propaganda video portraying a multiple rocket attack on South Korea’s presidential Blue House and other government buildings in Seoul.
It was uploaded Monday to the DPRK Today website, which had released
another video 10 days before depicting a nuclear attack on Washington.
Tensions have been rising on the Korean peninsula ever since the North conducted its fourth nuclear test on January 6.
Over the past month, Pyongyang has issued repeated threats of strikes
against Seoul and Washington, largely in response to annual South Korea-US war games that kicked off in early March.
The ongoing joint exercises have been larger than usual and included a special operation to “decapitate” the North Korean leadership in the event of a full-scale conflict.
Pyongyang took that as a direct threat to leader Kim Jong-Un, and the
Korean People’s Army (KPA) recently issued an “ultimatum” demanding South
Korean President Park Geun-Hye apologise and punish those who formulated the
The new 88-second video — entitled “If the ultimatum goes unanswered” — showed rockets fired from mobile launchers in the North slamming into the Blue House and destroying the buildings in a ball of fire.
It ended with the warning: “Everything will turn into ashes”.