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Recent act of atrocities in IoK showing Indian frustration: FO

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Recent act of atrocities in IoK showing Indian frustration: FO

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Ongoing Indian atrocities in occupied Kashmir show Indian belligerent mindset and frustration, Foreign Office Thursday said.
During his weekly media briefing, foreign office spokesperson Dr Faisal said India wrongly thinks that the continuous slaughter in occupied Kashmir will crush the indigenous movement in the valley.
He said in complete solidarity with the people of Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir, Friday April 6, will be observed as  Kashmir Solidarity Day in Islamabad and Pakistan Missions abroad.
He said Pakistan has never been reluctant to go for dialogue with India; it is Indian attitude that has halted the dialogue process.
Replying to a question he said, Kashmiris around the world are expecting justice from United Nations and other international Human Rights bodies.
“During the last week, our Kashmiri brothers and sisters have been subjected to extreme brutality and human rights violations by Indian occupation forces where they have martyred more than twenty people”, he added.
He informed that over 300 defenseless Kashmiris, including young people were injured by bullets and pellets guns, while 41 persons face vision loss with at partial or complete blindness, due to pellets fired on them by Indian occupation forces.
He said Pakistan has always raised Kashmir issue on every diplomatic and international fora. It has always reaffirmed its commitment and unconditional support to its Kashmir brethren
Dr Faisal said Foreign Minister Khawaja Muhammad Asif personally briefed the diplomatic corps in Islamabad today about the recent Indian atrocities.
Replying to another question regarding OIC session, he said Foreign Minister Khawaja Asif has raised this issue with OIC secretary general and it is under discussion.
“Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi also called a special meeting of the Federal Cabinet and the meeting of the National Security Committee of the Cabinet to review the situation arising from the recent Indian brutalities in IoK”, he added.
He said Pakistan also contacted some other countries on the situation arising out of violence in occupied Kashmir and their response has been positive.
The Turkish and Iranian foreign ministers and general secretaries of the UN and the OIC have already given their reaction in this connection.
Regarding a recent meeting between National Security Advisor Nasser Khan Janjua and the Indian high commissioner, the spokesperson it is not Pakistan but India which is running away from dialogue.
Replying to another question, Dr Faisal said the recent visit of US special secretary Alice Wells is the proof that the talks between the two countries are under process. “We also raised the issue of Kashmir with US”, he said.
Pakistan condemns the recent attack in Qunduz, Afghanistan where a Madrassah has been targeted. “The loss of precious lives especially children is regrettable”, he added.
Foreign Office also showed a special documentary on Kashmir to media representative in which the oppressor Indian forces could be seen killing and brutalizing defenseless Kashmiris.