National News

Kashmiris committed to continue struggle till success: Gilani

Kashmiris committed

Kashmiris committed to continue struggle till success: Gilani

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):The All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) Chairman, Syed Ali Gilani in Indian Occupied Kashmir(IoK), has said that the Kashmiris are determined to continue their struggle till they achieved freedom from Indian subjugation.
According to Kashmir Media Service(KMS) , Syed Ali Gilani in a statement in Srinagar said, “By placing curbs and detaining resistance leaders, the so-called rulers are denying us the freedom to stage peaceful protests which amounts to interference in religious affairs.”
He said that more than twenty people were brutally killed and hundreds maimed in pellet firing by the Indian troops. “How long will Kashmiri people, especially youth be killed by the Indian forces’ personnel,” he questioned.
Syed Ali Gilani said that the sacrifices of Kashmiri youth would not be allowed to go waste and their mission would be accomplished at all costs. “We will never surrender to pressure but will pursue our cherished mission till it reached its logical conclusion,” he added.
The APHC Chairman appealed to the international community to take cognizance of the brutal killing of people by the Indian troops and come forward to resolve the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the Kashmiris’ aspirations.
“We, with a sincere heart, want to convey that we are yearning for peace and seek peaceful resolution to the lingering Kashmir dispute,” Syed Ali Gilani said. He added that India must fulfill its promise of giving the Kashmiris their right to self-determination to decide their future by themselves.
Meanwhile, the APHC spokesman in a statement in Srinagar denounced the puppet authorities for once again barring Syed Ali Gilani from offering Juma prayers.
He said the puppet regime is relying on false propaganda and now its tall claims of “freeing resistance leaders” stand exposed, adding the authorities had sealed all roads leading to Syed Ali Gilani’s Hyderpora residence with concertina wires and barricades.
The spokesman hailed the imams of masajid for reading out during Friday sermons a resolution drafted by the Joint Resistance Leadership. He also condemned the arrest of Hurriyat leader, Nisar Husain Rather, and his shifting to unknown destination.
He also denounced the torturing of Wali Muhammad Mir, brother of Tehreek-e-Hurriyat activist Ghulam Muhammad Mir, by the Indian police personnel. He was beaten to pulp and had to be admitted in Handwara hospital, he said.