National News

PAL postpones 4th Int’l literary conference till September

ISLAMABAD, (APP): Pakistan Academy of Letters (PAL) Advisory
Committee has decided to postpone the 4th International Conference on “Language, Literature and Society (ICLLS)” till September, 2016.
Senior officials of PAL told APP that the exact conference dates will
be announced in due course of time.
“We do understand and feel sorry for the inconvenience, research
scholars/ presenters will face due to postponement of the event, but the participants will also appreciate that we need time and requisite resources to facilitate the participants and smooth the proceedings of the conference,” he said.
However, “we are glad to share that more than 500 research scholars
sent their abstract to present in ICLLS 2016. It is really an achievement and we are thankful to scholars for reposing their trust on Pakistan Academy of Letters (PAL),” he added.
He said that the conference would be attended by 700 participants
including 200 prominent research scholars, writers and poets (representing all major languages) from in and outside the country.
He said that the conference work is on peak and ICLLS team is working
very hard, adding that editing, translation, composing and publication of 400 abstract of research papers for bilingual publication is really a considerable and time consuming task.
In addition to this, compilation of conference sessions, assemblage of
dignitaries’messages for conference book, availability of adequate spacious venue, transportation for 700 research delegates and to provide them premier interdisciplinary forum needs high level arrangements to fulfill the main objective of the event.
He said that April 30 is the last date of registration in ICLLS 2016.