National News

Protest against IHK atrocities on April 29 in Washington

مقبوضہ کشمیر میں قابض

Protest against IHK atrocities on April 29 in Washington

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):A protest demonstration is scheduled to be held in front of the White House, in Washington DC on Sunday, April 29 to condemn grave human rights violations by Indian occupation forces in occupied Kashmir and raise voice for the UN-mandated Kashmiris right to self-determination.
“While there had been a persistent pattern of human rights violations by the Indian army in the past seven decades, in a recent case, Indian armed forces killed more than 40 Kashmiri civilians in Kashmir during the month of April  2018,” the organizers of the event said according to press statement received here.
 These extra-judicial killings prompted peaceful protests by civilians all across the Valley of Kashmir. Unfortunately, instead of heeding to the voice of the protesters, Indian army resorted to violence against them, resulting in hundreds of injuries, the statement added.
The Indian occupation forces continue to use live ammunition and pellet guns which have blinded more than one thousand Kashmiris since 2016.
The organizers urged the United States to send a clear message to the government of India that such barbarity has no place in the comity of nations in this day and age.
They stressed the US to play an active part in ensuring that the promises made to the people of Kashmir at the U.N. more than seven decades ago, be fulfilled and an opportunity given to the people to participate in a free and fair referendum to determine their future in line with their inalienable right to self-determination.