International News

Ankara hits back over Macron comments on Russia-Turkey split

Ankara hits back over Macron comments on Russia-Turkey split

Istanbul, (MILLAT ONLINE):Turkey on Monday hit back at French President Emmanuel Macron over his comments that the
weekend’s air strikes against the Syrian regime had driven a wedge between Ankara and its
increasingly close ally Moscow.
Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdag insisted that Turkish policy on Syria was independent
of other nations, as signs grow of Western discomfort over Ankara’s alliance with Iran and Russia
on Syria.
“Turkey’s Syria policy is not a policy of being on the same side or being opposed to another
country,” Bozdag told reporters in Qatar in response to a journalist’s question about Macron’s
“Whoever defends what is right, we are on their side,” he added in televised
France, the United States and Britain launched strikes against regime targets on Saturday,
following an alleged chemical attack blamed by the West on the Damascus regime that reportedly
killed dozens.