National News

Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif warmly welcomed Zhang Chunxian to

Pakistan and said both countries enjoy close co-operation and hold identical views on important issues at regional and international levels.
“Our all weather friendship is based on shared principles and
interests, and forms the foundation of co-operation in diverse fields,” a press release from the PM House said.
The Prime Minister said there was a strong resonance of the long and
rich history of close and cordial ties both at the official as well as popular levels.
Zhang Chunxian appreciated the commitment of the Prime Minister in
eliminating terrorism and extremist mind set from Pakistan. He said the Chinese leadership was impressed by the performance of the government in turning around the economy and maintaining peace and security.
“The Chinese leadership is happy to see broad public support for CPEC,” Zhang said and added “Pakistan is witnessing deep and profound changes under the leadership of the Prime Minister.”
Lauding the leadership role of the Prime Minister, Zhang said “Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif is an outstanding statesman and we have complete faith in his abilities to transform Pakistan into a developed country.”
The Prime Minister said that Gwadar Port would be made the gateway of development of Pakistan, as connecting Kashghar with Gwadar was the key objective of CPEC and will result in massive industrial growth and development in the country.
The Chinese delegation included Sun Weidong, Ambassador of China in Pakistan and Zhan Kongchao, DG Assistant Foreign Affairs.
Minister for Water and Power Khawaja Muhammad Asif, Minister for Planning, Development and Reform Ahsan Iqbal, SAPM Tariq Fatemi and senior officials were present in the meeting.