International News

Concordia skipper fights to avoid prison over Italy disaster

FLORENCE, Italy, (APP/AFP): Costa Concordia skipper Francesco Schettino on Thursday began his battle to avoid prison for
causing the 2012 cruise ship disaster off Italy which cost 32
people their lives.
Schettino was sentenced in February 2015 to 16 years and one
month in jail after a judge ruled his recklessness caused the accident
that ensued after the giant pleasure boat struck underwater rocks
off the Tuscan island of Giglio.
The 55-year-old career seaman, who has not yet begun his
sentence, says he has been made the solitary scapegoat for the
disaster and will seek to overturn his manslaughter conviction
in an appeal which opened Thursday and will run through May at
The prosecution is simultaneously appealing last year’s
sentence, maintaining that Schettino should have been given
26 years