International News

Pakistan calls for strengthening UN Peace-Building Commission

UNITED NATIONS, (APP): Pakistan has underscored the need for
enhancing the effectiveness of the United Nations Peace-Building Commission (PBC), saying the 31-member intergovernmental body plays an important role in improving the lives of ordinary people affected by conflict.
“Peace-building activities produce tangible results on ground,”
Ambassador Maleeha Lodhi told the UN General Assembly during a review of
the Commission’s activities, which was established in 2005.
Despite many silos in the United Nations system, member states must
strive to better utilize the PBC’s work and to enhance its interaction with and advisory role to the principal United Nations organs, the Pakistani envoy said.
Pakistan had seen the result of PBC’s work as a member of the Commission
as well as one of the top troop contributors to countries where much of this work takes place. “This experience confirms our belief that strengthening the peace-building architecture and advancing the peace-building agenda are not just important but imperative,” Ambassador Lodhi said.
The Ebola crisis in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone had exposed the
challenges of consolidating peace, but the Commission’s nimble and flexible response had brought coherence to its efforts, providing valuable lessons to absorb.
Yet, Ambassador Lodhi said the Peacebuilding Fund was languishing as a
result of unpredictable funding. “PBC’s focus on domestic resource mobilization is important, but enhancing international financial support and ensuring its predictability is critical,” she added.
Referring to the landmark resolution adopted concurrently by the
193-member Assembly and the Security Council on improving peacebuilding architecture, Ambassador Lodhi said lasting peace was possible only through prevention of conflict and addressing its root causes. “An enhanced role for women and youth is also critical and essential for success,” she added.
In conclusion, the Pakistani envoy hoped the review process would
“breathe new life” into the Commission, making it more responsive and effective.