International News

Venezuela opposition claims million signatures against president

CARACAS, (APP/AFP): Venezuela’s opposition tried to sack
the food minister Thursday for shortages in the crisis-hit country and claimed a million people backed its call for a referendum to remove the president.
President Nicolas Maduro promptly rejected the demand, the latest offensive in the battle to replace the government over a crisis that has families queuing up for food rations.
“We are facing the worst food emergency in Venezuela’s history,” said
Ismael Garcia, the lawmaker leading the motion to sack minister Rodolfo Marco Torres.
The speaker of the opposition-controlled National Assembly, Henry Ramos Allup, said the government must remove Torres from his post after two-thirds of the lawmakers present approved a no-confidence motion against him.
But Maduro retorted: “No one will remove the minister.” He vowed to
pass new emergency measures to head off attempts of “sabotage” by lawmakers.
He even threatened to cut the power to the legislature, as part of
widespread blackouts he has imposed to save power.