Business News

Dar urges FBR to provide maximum facilitation to tax payers

ISLAMABAD, Apr 29 (APP): Minister for Finance and Revenues Muhammad Ishaq Dar on Friday called upon the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) that it should provide maximum facilitation to the tax payers.
The Federal Minister for Finance Senator Mohammad Ishaq Dar stated this while chairing a meeting here at the Finance Division which reviewed budget proposals of here at the FBR today.
Special Assistant to Prime Minister, Haroon Akhtar Khan
was present on the occasion.
Chairman FBR, Nisar Mohammad Khan informed the meeting
that in line with Finance Minister’s instructions passed last
week, the FBR officials have held meetings with different
stakeholders including traders organizations, chambers of
commerce and industries, professionals and experts, having
discussion over budget proposals.
Useful inputs have been sought from them and would be
thoroughly perused before budget proposals are finalized, the
meeting was apprised, said a statement issued by the Ministry
The Finance Minister expressed satisfaction over the
state of revenue collection in the current fiscal year.
The Minister said that this spirit should be kept up in
the coming fiscal year and efforts made for further growth in
revenue which is key component of the overall inclusive growth
He said that FBR should provide maximum facilitation to
the tax payers.
Senior officials of the Finance Division and FBR
attended the meeting.