International News

Tense protests outside Trump speech in California

BURLINGAME, United States, (APP/AFP) –
Hundreds of protesters jostled with police in riot gear Friday outside a California hotel where Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump was to give a speech, forcing the candidate to duck into a back entrance.
Protesters broke through barricades set up around the hotel near San
Francisco’s international airport where the California Republican Convention
was taking place.
Police guarding the entrances were able to stop them from entering
the hotel.
The demonstrators waved banners that read “No hate, no racism, no
Trump,” “We need a uniter, not a divider” and “Trump is the modern day Hitler.” Several carried Mexican flags.
Some protesters lobbed eggs at officers, and news footage showed a
few protesters being dragged away by police after Trump’s speech ended.
The tense protest in Burlingame follows similar demonstrations that
turned violent late Thursday at another Trump campaign rally in southern California.
On Friday, police blocked the roads near the hotel hosting Trump’s
speech and formed a security cordon to keep protesters from entering.
“I came out here to support my people and my father,” Adrian
Olivares, a 23-year-old college student draped in a Mexican flag, told CNN.