International News

Panama Papers controversy diverting attention from national issues, including Kashmir

WASHINGTON, (APP): Controversy over Panama papers is diverting
attention from key issues of national importance, including Kashmir, a prominent US-based Kashmiri Sardar Zubari Khan said on Saturday, calling on those agitating the issue to wait for the findings of the commission set up to probe the matter.
Talking to APP here, Mr Khan, the President of US chapter of AJK-based
Muslim Conference, said that Kashmir is an international issue that needs full support of all the political parties in Pakistan.But, he regretted that the present controversy generated in the context of Panama leaks has once again pushed this important international conflict to the back burner.
“The sensible way to find a resolution of the Panama leaks issue is to
wait till the Chief Justice of Pakistan looks into the matter, investigates it and pronounces his judgment.Let us remember that patience is always golden and a forceful virtue,” Zubair Khan added.
Khan also stated that the controversy has been generated at a time
when the arrest of an Indian spy in Balochistan had strengthened Pakistan’s position and proved its claim that India was involved in efforts to destabilize Pakistan by supporting terrorist activities.”Because of Panama papers, no one is now talking about it,” he added.
In the meanwhile, members of the Pakistani American community continue
to express their dismay over attempts by certain quarters to destabilize the government at a time when the country was winning war against terrorism.
Mumtaz Wani, a Washington-based lawyer, expressed his surprise over
attempts by certain politicians with vested interest to malign Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, inspite of the fact that the journalist group which reported the issue, has expressed regrets over mistakenly including his name and issued a clarification.
“We live in a civilized world where there is a law to decide on such
matters.It is wrong, both legally as well as morally, to accuse someone without any proof.Those who are agitating the issue should let the commission investigate the matter,” Wani said.
A Pakistani American Islamic religious scholar, Abul Hasan Siddique
Rashidi, said that Pakistani Americans were very perturbed over the ongoing situation in Pakistan which will negatively impact efforts being taken for economic development and uplift of the poor.
He welcomed the constitution of the commission to be headed by the Chief
Justice to probe the matter and said it was rare for any Pakistani politicians to present himself or herself for accountability. “This is a good precedent set by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and should be taken in a good spirit,” he added.
Hamid Malik, President of Pakistan Link USA said that Pakistanis
Americans were disappointed by the politics of agitation being conducted by PTI Chairman Imran Khan after he failed to win the people’s mandate in 2013 election.
Mr. Malik said that the PTI chief has failed to present any viable plan
for the country’s progress and was overwhelmed by “Nawaz Sharif phobia”. “His politics is a red light for democracy. Parliament is the best forum to debate and issue and street protests are only disrupting normal life of common people”.
He said the Lahore High Court should take action against violation of
its order not to hold rallies and gatherings on Lahore’s Mall road. “It seems that Imran Khan has no respect for the rule of law. As a leader of national stature, he should set example by abiding by laws and not violating them”.