International News

Canada forest fire

MONTREAL, (APP/AFP): Tens of thousands of people evacuated
from the Canadian city of Ft. McMurray because of raging forest fires face a long wait to return home, an official said Thursday.
Some 4,000 people who fled to the north of the city and were in
danger of becoming stranded have been airlifted to Edmonton and Calgary, Alberta Premier Rachel Notley said, adding that the hope is to airlift 8,000 to safety by the end of the day.
The damage from the blazes is major and there is no way to predict
when any evacuees can go home, Notley said.
“Unfortunately, we do know that it will not be a matter of days,” she
told a news conference.
“I must be very, very direct about this,” she added. “It is apparent
that the damage to the community in Ft. McMurray is extensive, and the city is not safe for residents at this time.”
Over the medium term, the authorities must work to find lodging for
evacuees and some way to get children back in school in other cities, she said.