International News

US sends troops to Yemen, steps up anti-Qaeda strikes

WASHINGTON, (APP/AFP): The Pentagon acknowledged
for the first time Friday it has deployed US troops to Yemen
since the country’s collapse last year to bolster government
and Arab coalition forces battling Al-Qaeda.
Spokesman Navy Captain Jeff Davis said the US military
has also stepped up air strikes against fighters with Yemen-based
Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP).
A “very small number” of American military personnel has
been working from a “fixed location” with Yemeni and coalition
forces — especially the Emiratis — in recent weeks around
Mukalla, a port city seized by AQAP a year ago, Davis said.
“This is of great interest to us. It does not serve our
interests to have a terrorist organization in charge of a
port city, and so we are assisting in that,” the spokesman