International News

US lawmakers unveil bill to block Trump’s Muslim ban

WASHINGTON, (APP): A group of lawmakers from the Democratic
Party unveiled a bill on Wednesday that would prevent Donald Trump from implementing his proposed ban on Muslim entering the United States.
The bill has been introduced on the eve of the visit by Trump to the
capital Washington DC, the Republican Party’s presumptive nominee for the next US President, who has during his election campaign called for ban on Muslims from coming to the United States.
The bill titled “Freedom of Religion” Act was introduced by U.S.
Representative Don Beyer which seeks to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act with a new section titled “Prohibition of denying admission because of religion”.
The bill stipulates that “notwithstanding any other provision of the
immigration law, an alien may not be denied admission to the United States because of the alien’s religion or lack of religious beliefs”.
“Our Founding fathers guaranteed religious freedom for all, in the First
Amendment to our Constitution. People all around the world look to us as the standard for freedom, liberty and tolerance,” Mr. Beyer said in a statement emailed to Newsweek”.
Mr. Trump is most likely to win the nomination to contest the November
presidential election as the Republican Party’s candidate after all other candidates dropped out. But he is struggling to win support from his own party who is weary of his statements against Hispanics and Muslims.
Congressman Andre Carson, a Democrat lawmaker, who is one of the only
two Muslims in Congress, accused Republican presidential candidates like Trump of “deliberately spreading mean-spirited and false information about Muslims, according to a report by The Hill, a news website.
After the terrorist attack in San Bernardino, Trump called for banning
Muslims from entering the United States. His statement drew condemnations from across the United States as well as world leaders.
“We are not going to discriminate when it comes to immigration based on
religion,” Congressman Beyer from Virginia, who introduced the bill, told ABC News.
A Congressman from Trump’s Republican Party, Richard Hanna, has joined
the group of more than 70 Democrat lawmakers who are supporting the Bill. Hanna has said he will not support Trump even if he wins the nomination.
Several advocacy groups have announced their support to the bill
including Anti-Defamation League and the Council on American Islamic Relations.
Congressman Beyer later addressed a press conference which was joined by
lawmakers supporting the bill including Representative Eleanor Holms Norton, Representatives Joe Crowley and Representative Mike Honda.
“A religious-based immigration or travel ban would betray the promise of
freedom that gave birth to our country and would hurt our national interest, Congressman Beyer told a press briefing. Policies driven by fear and bigotry are as immoral as they are unwise”.
Congressman Beyer condemned violence, bigotry and hateful rhetoric
towards Muslims Americans. He has won support from dozens of religious groups. The Interfaith Alliance, along with 30 other groups, published a letter which support Beyer’s legislation. They urged Congress to pass the bill.