International News

Polish police arrest suspected bus bomb-maker

WARSAW, (APP/AFP) – Polish police have detained a man
suspected of carrying out a home-made bomb attack last week that injured one person in the southwestern city of Wroclaw.
“He is a 22-year-old man of Polish nationality, a third-year
university student,” police chief Jaroslaw Szymczyk told reporters.
The suspect was arrested at a relative’s flat, Szymczyk added.
An explosive device was found last Thursday hidden in a plastic bag
on a bus in Wroclaw.
The man accused of planting the home-made bomb, which resembled a
pressure cooker packed with nails, had just gotten off the bus.
After passengers alerted the bus driver to the presence of a
suspicious package, he made an emergency stop and left it at a bus shelter.
Shortly afterwards, the device blew up and lightly injured a
Since Thursday, police have been hunting down the suspect, whose face
could be seen in CCTV footage taken on the bus and which has since been aired on Polish television.