International News

Trump gets warm welcome at veterans biker rally

WASHINGTON, (APP/AFP): White House hopeful Donald Trump
received a warm welcome Sunday as he addressed a motorcycle rally that attracted many military veterans to the US capital Sunday.
“I will protect every bit of the Second Amendment” right to bear
arms, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee told several thousand people gathered in front of the Lincoln Memorial, traditionally a favored spot for major political demonstrations in Washington.
“We have to rebuild our military” and “we are going to take care of
our veterans” the billionaire said in a brief speech as the crowd — consisting of leather-clad bikers, tourists and other spectators — cheered him on.
The Rolling Thunder rally is an annual event that sees thousands of
bikers — many of them former service members — roar into Washington.
Jack Bellamy, a 41-year-old veteran and biker from northern Virginia,
was thrilled that Trump addressed the rally.
“The other candidates, they don’t want to do anything for the vets,”
he said.
“We want to get rid of politicians” who “don’t listen to people” and
“put someone else in power,” he added.