International News

US Muslim leader condemns Orlando attack, slams extremists

WASHINGTON, (APP/AFP) – The head of a prominent US Muslim advocacy group Sunday strongly condemned the nightclub massacre in Florida, calling members of the Islamic State group an “aberration” amid allegations the gunman was inspired by the jihadists.
Nihad Awad, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic
Relations, also called for unity and urged politicians not to “exploit” the
slaughter in Orlando, which left 50 dead and dozens more injured.
“This is a hate crime. Plain and simple. We condemn it in the strongest possible terms,” Awad told a news conference.
“It violates our principles as Americans and as Muslims. Let me be clear, we have no tolerance for extremism of any kind.”
The FBI said the American gunman, 29-year-old Omar Mateen, who died in an exchange of fire with police, was believed to have made a 911 call pledging allegiance to IS before the shooting.
Awad referenced such reporting and said he had a word for IS members and supporters.
“You do not speak for us. You do not represent us. You are an aberration, you are an outlaw … they don’t speak for our faith. They never belonged to this beautiful faith.”