International News

Obama to meet Dalai Lama at White House, defying Beijing

BEIJING, (APP/AFP) – US President Barack Obama
will meet the Dalai Lama at the White House Wednesday, a move condemned by China which portrays the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader as a dangerous separatist.
Obama has met the Dalai Lama several times before and calls the monk “a good friend,” but the pair will — as usual — talk behind closed doors in an effort to avoid Beijing’s ire.
China, which accuses the Nobel peace laureate of using “spiritual
terrorism” to seek independence for Tibet, expressed displeasure over the visit to the United States.
“Under the cloak of religion, the 14th Dalai Lama peddles his political ambitions of dividing China all around the world,” foreign ministry spokesman Lu Kang told reporters Tuesday.
“We demand all countries and governments not to grant him the space or soil for his activities,” he added.
The spiritual leader — who has lived in exile in India since a failed 1959 uprising — has for decades called for more Tibetan autonomy rather than independence.
Beijing maintains he is a “wolf in monk’s clothing” and vigorously lobbies — often successfully — against foreign leaders meeting him.
Obama made a high-profile public appearance with the Dalai Lama, who is widely revered by Tibetans, last year at a prayer breakfast in Washington, calling him “a powerful example of what it means to practice compassion.”
But three prior meetings were held privately, and Obama was criticised in 2010 for obliging the 80-year-old, clad in his characteristic red robes and flip flops, to leave the White House through a back door and walk past piles of snow and bags of rubbish.
Obama’s schedule indicated the Wednesday meeting would be held away from the cameras in the White House Map Room, not the Oval Office.