International News

US express concern over violence in Kashmir

WASHINGTON, (APP): A spokesman of the US State Department on
Monday expressed concerns over the violence in the Indian held Kashmir, where Indian troops killed about 30 Kashmiris who were protesting against the killing of a Kashmiri freedom fighter.
The young Kashmiri freedom fighter Burhan Wani was killed in a shootout
with police on Friday in a village that triggered widespread protest in the Indian-held valley and has since paralyzed business across the disputed territory.
Spokesman John Kirby said that the United States was concerned about the
violence, which has been widely reported by the US media. “We encourage all sides to make efforts towards finding a peaceful resolution.”
According to media reports, up to 30 people have been killed in violence
and protests by Kashmiri people have forced shops to close across the valley and curfew had been put in place. The Washington Post also published a photo with a story on Kashmir violence, which showed protesters carrying Pakistani flag in Srinagar.
The report said that Wani had attracted young followers through his use
of social media, calling on them to pick up arms against Indian forces.
Wani’s father is a school principal. People in Kashmir have been
fighting for Kashmir’s independence or merger with Pakistan for decades, the report said.
Thousands of people attended Wani’s funeral held on Saturday, crying and
raising slogan against the Indian government and in support of freedom.
Quoting unnamed officials, the Washington Post report said that the
ongoing violence is the worst seen in the Indian held valley since the summer of 2010 when more than 100 civilians died in clashes with security forces.