International News

Protests as S. Korea opens ‘comfort women’ foundation

SEOUL, (APP/AFP) – South Korean protestors
clashed with police on Thursday as they tried to disrupt the opening in Seoul of a Tokyo-funded foundation for women forced to work in Japanese wartime brothels.
The plight of the so-called “comfort women” is a hugely emotional issue that has marred relations between Seoul and Japan for decades and which, for many South Koreans, symbolises the abuses of Japan’s 1910-45 colonial rule over the Korean peninsula.
Last December, the two nations reached a “final and irreversible”
agreement, under which Tokyo offered an apology and a one-billion yen ($8.5
million) to open the foundation for the dwindling number of comfort women who are still alive.
But the deal was condemned by some of the women and South Korean activists, who took issue with Japan’s refusal to accept formal legal responsibility.
“You can’t silence the victims with money!” scores of protestors chanted at Thursday’s opening event, which they picketed with banners reading: “This is not what the comfort women want!”
Several college students forced their way into the venue where foundation officials were due to hold a press conference, and had to be forcibly removed by police.
“Listen to the voices of the victims!” one protestor shouted tearfully as police carried her and other activists out by their arms and legs.