International News

Key quotes from Clinton’s Democratic convention speech

PHILADELPHIA, July 29, (APP/AFP) – Hillary Clinton
on Thursday vowed to be the president for “all Americans” as she accepted the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination — the first woman to lead a major party in the race for the White House.
Her speech, which capped the party’s four-day convention in
Philadelphia, also included some savage takedowns of her Republican opponent Donald Trump.
Here are some key quotes from her address:
President for all
“I will be a president for Democrats, Republicans and independents.
For the struggling, the striving and the successful. For those who vote for me and those who don’t. For all Americans.”
“The truth is, through all these years of public service, the
‘service’ part has always come easier to me than the ‘public’ part.”

Devil in the details
“It’s true… I sweat the details of policy (…) Because it’s not
just a detail if it’s your kid, if it’s your family. It’s a big deal. And it should be a big deal to your president.”
— Clinton defends her reputation as a policy wonk

“Tonight, we’ve reached a milestone in our nation’s march toward a
more perfect union: the first time that a major party has nominated a woman for president.”