International News

Native people’s rights violated in name of ‘conservation’: UN

HONOLULU, (APP/AFP) – Some of the world’s leading conservation groups are violating the rights of indigenous people
by backing projects that oust them from their ancestral homes in the
name of environmental preservation, a top UN expert said this week.
UN special rapporteur Victoria Tauli-Corpuz’s latest report
documents killings, evictions and lands being used for resource
extraction without native consent — practices that affect millions
of indigenous people across Asia, Africa and Latin America.
“Projects supported by major conservation organizations
continue to displace local peoples from their ancestral homes,”
said Tauli-Corpuz, who gave a series of talks on her findings at
the International Union for Conservation of Nature World
Conservation Congress in Honolulu, the globe’s largest gathering
of conservation leaders.
While she refrained from naming names in her report, she told
AFP the groups include the World Wildlife Fund, Conservation
International and the Wildlife Conservation Society.