International News

North Korea tells UN ‘going nuclear’ is only option

North Korea’s foreign minister on Friday told the United Nations that “going nuclear” is his country’s only way to defend itself and vowed to further bolster its nuclear military forces.
Speaking to the General Assembly, Ri Yong-ho said his country will
“continue to take measures to strengthen its national nuclear armed forces in both quantity and quality.”
He spoke just two weeks after North Korea’s fifth and most powerful nuclear test provoked worldwide condemnation, prompting the UN Security Council to begin work on a new sanctions resolution.
“Going nuclear armed is the policy of our state,” Ri, who has been foreign minister since May, told the world gathering.
“As long as there exists a nuclear weapon state in hostile relations with the DPRK (North Korea), our national security and the peace on the Korean peninsula can be defended only with reliable nuclear deterrence,” he said.