International News

Attacker in clown mask stabs man in Sweden

STOCKHOLM, Oct 14 (APP/AFP): A man in Sweden has been stabbed by an attacker wearing a clown mask, police said Friday, as a wave of hysteria about sightings of “creepy” or “killer” clowns sweeps the United States and European nations. “A man born in 1997 was stabbed in the shoulder by an unknown person who ran away,” police in Halland county in southern Sweden said on their website. The incident late on Thursday came after two people in clown costumes threatened to kill a woman in the centre of Sweden on Wednesday. “She was extremely frightened,” a police spokesman told the Aftonbladet newspaper, adding that there was “nothing funny” about the spreading craze. Also on Wednesday, a group of men in clown outfits surrounded four 10-year-old children and threatened them with what turned out to be fake chainsaws. Interior Minister Anders Ygeman has called for calm. “We dont want to see a situation where a person gets into real trouble because someone, perhaps half-joking, puts on a clown mask,” Ygmen told the TT news agency.