International News

Scottish nationalist leader in charge on referendum call

GLASGOW, Oct 15, (APP/AFP) – “I’m with Nicola,” is a popular slogan on Scottish National Party memorabilia at conferences and elections. And while SNP leader and Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon was unlikely to have had a total reprieve at this week’s SNP conference in Glasgow because of Brexit uncertainty, there is a palpable trust among her supporters that she will find the best route to a possible Scottish independence. Some delegates at the SNP annual conference gave a cautious reaction to the possibility of a new independence referendum, brought on by the Brexit vote. The SNP’s thirst to separate from the United Kingdom remains undimmed but they have gained a measure of pragmatism after Scotland voted No to independence in 2014 following a referendum called by former SNP leader Alex Salmond. On the conference stalls, T-shirts remain on sale emblazoned with the slogan “Yes” and the party’s in-house newspaper is still called the Scots Independent.