International News

Montenegro’s ruling party leads in tinderbox polls

PODGORICA, Montenegro, Oct 17 (APP/AFP): Montenegro’s veteran premier Milo Djukanovic’s party was leading in Sunday’s tinderbox election during which authorities arrested 20 Serbs and accused them of planning attacks and hijacking the polls. Tensions were already high over Djukanovic’s plans to forge closer ties with the EU and NATO and further heightened after the arrest of 20 Serbs allegedly planning to seize the prime minister and parliament and proclaim victory for the opposition, according to authorities. Partial results after 80 percent of the ballots had been counted showed that the premier’s Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) got a little more than 40 percent of the vote — more than double than that of the main opposition Democratic Front. Two other parties Kljuc (Key) and the Democrats of Montenegro — which want a referendum on joining NATO — got ten percent each, the results showed.