International News

Trump slams Clinton over email ‘collusion’, State Dept denies

WASHINGTON, Oct 17 (APP/AFP): Donald Trump’s campaign on Monday accused Hillary Clinton of colluding with US authorities to “cover up criminal activity” related to her use of a private email system while serving as secretary of state, but the State Department denied any wrongdoing. The Republican presidential hopeful’s team seized on newly released FBI documents as proof the State Department pressured the agency to alter its findings in a probe of Clinton’s use of private servers. The Federal Bureau of Investigation documents released Monday showed a senior State Department official had asked the FBI to declassify or lower the classification of one Clinton email that had been rated “secret.” Patrick Kennedy, an undersecretary of state, had asked that the email be rated to a less-sensitive category. In exchange, according to an FBI agent, Kennedy had said the State Department would accept an FBI request for additional agents at foreign diplomatic posts.