International News

Donald Trump wins US presidency in stunning upset over Hillary Clinton

NEW YORK, Nov 9 (APP): Donald Trump sent shockwaves around the world
Wednesday after pulling off a stunning, come-from-behind victory over Hillary Clinton to become the 45th President of the United States.
In his first address as President elect after a bitter campaign, an
elated Trump struck a unifying tone in front of supporters cheering “USA, USA”. He said it was “time for America to bind the wounds of division”..
Trump said: ” I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be
president for all Americans, and this is so important for me”.
The president-designate was joined by his family, including wife Melania
and son Barron, as he made his way to the podium for his first address
His voice cracking, he continued: “It’s time for us to come together as
one united people. I pledge to every citizen that I will be president for all.”
Giving his iconic thumbs up to the delighted crowds, Trump said: “Every
single American will have the ability to realize his or her potential.”
He said he had received a call from his rival Hillary Clinton who
congratulated him on his victory.
“She congratulated us, it’s about us, on our victory, and I
congratulated her and her family on a very very hard fought campaign.
“She fought it very well. Hillary has worked very long and very hard
over a long period of time, and we owe her a major debt of gratitude to our country.”
The result came as a shock, to say the least. Markets plunged late
Tuesday night as it became clear that Trump would have a better night than expected. Dow futures sunk more than 750 points.
Almost every major forecasting aggregator, including FiveThirtyEight,
RealClearPolitics, the New York Times, and HuffPost Pollster all heavily favoured a Clinton victory in the lead-up to Tuesday’s race.
Trump won despite coming during his campaign for his vile comments about
women, his attitude towards Muslims and his desire to build a wall on Mexico’s border. Now, the people who didn’t vote for him are waking up to the reality that this man is their next President.
The insurgent Republican businessman’s candidacy was greeted as a
sideshow by many media outlets and even other candidates when he declared on June 16, 2015. But Trump quickly gained popularity among Republican Party voters, many of whom were drawn to his populist message on issues like international trade and immigration, inflammatory rhetoric about identity-politics issues, and promises to restore the US to previous points of perceived national glory.
Trump’s victory Tuesday came amid a wave of support among working-class
and blue-collar white voters in a number of key battleground states, including Florida, North Carolina, Wisconsin, and New Hampshire. The New York businessman long claimed his nationalist pitch to voters could spur high levels of voter turnout that would help propel him to the White House.
The mood at Trump headquarters in Manhattan was joyous, as guests drank
and shouted when Trump appeared to win Rust Belt states like Wisconsin and Michigan, formerly reliably Democratic states. Attendees, sporting suits and red “Make America Great Again” hats, appeared equally shocked at Trump’s massive upset.
“We’re actually going to do it,” an attendee remarked as Trump appeared
to pull ahead in key states.
Just a mile away on Manhattan’s west side, the mood at Clinton’s
election night party which she later declined to appear at was one of equal disbelief.
Trump, 70, is the first person to win the presidency without having
previously held public office or served in the U.S. military.
Mike Pence, 57, will be vice president. Pence was a longtime member of
the House of Representatives and is now the Republican governor of Indiana.
Trump’s victory could produce significant repercussions, both economic
and political. Stock markets had risen in recent days, believing that Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton would win.
At Trump’s party, supporters hugged each other, waved Trump signs over
their heads and erupted in cheers after the race was officially called.
“Donald Donald” they chanted.
In political terms, Trump’s win will likely hands Republicans control of
both the executive and legislative branches of government.