International News

New York mayor says he raised with Trump immigrants’ concerns

NEW YORK, (MILLAT+APP): New York Mayor Bill de Blasio has he raised
concerns with President-elect Donald Trump about some his proposals, including the threat to deport illegal immigrants.
The Democratic mayor, after emerging from a 62-minute meeting at Trump
Tower with the Republican billionaire businessman, said he also told the president-elect he does not support his decision to give ultra
conservative Breitbart News chief Steve Bannon a senior job in the White House.
“I made my views clear about him,” de Blasio, a liberal politician,
told reporters Wednesday afternoon. “It was a candid dialogue and a substantive dialogue.”
The meeting came after a campaign in which Trump in July described de
Blasio as “a maniac” and the “worst mayor in the history of New York City.”
The mayor repeatedly accused Trump of “the worst kind of racism”
for his proposals to build a wall on the Mexican border, deport
undocumented immigrants, shut off federal funding to “sanctuary
cities” like New York and obstruct Muslim immigration.
“I tried to express to him how much fear there is all across this
city,” the mayor said Wednesday.
In September, Trump called for urban police departments throughout the
U.S. to increase the use of stop-and-frisk street encounters to fight
crime. De Blasio ran for mayor in 2013 as a critic of the practice.
Days after Trump’s election, de Blasio said he “was prepared to
work with President-elect Trump for the good of the people of New York
City” and that he would keep an open mind. On Monday, de Blasio said he supported the demonstrators who have been protesting Trump’s election
almost daily throughout Manhattan, particularly in front of Trump Tower.
De Blasio said he and Trump broke the ice with a phone call Tuesday.
“I told him sending a message of unity is crucial,” he said.