International News

Three Turkish miners killed after copper mine collapse: governor

ANKARA, (MILLAT+APP/AFP): At least three Turkish miners were killed
after a copper mine collapsed late Thursday in the southeastern province of Siirt, the governor’s office said in a statement.
Three bodies had been found after the collapse caused by a
“landslide”, the statement said, a lower number than the four dead earlier reported by local media.
Some 12 men remained trapped in the mine, CNN Turk said, as rescuers
and ambulances were sent to the scene.
Besime Konca, a pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party lawmaker for
Siirt, put that number higher saying on Twitter that 14 people were trapped.
She added that one injured person had been rescued.
The mine in Sirvan district is owned by a private company, the
official news agency Anadolu said, without naming the firm.