International News

Obama says goodbye to world stage after eight years

LIMA, (MILLAT+APP/AFP) – US President Barack Obama
bid farewell to the world stage Sunday, pondering his legacy, offering advice to his successor and discussing his post-presidential life at the end of his final foreign tour.
His historic presidency and charisma have made Obama a rock star on
the international scene, even at times when the daily grind of politics dimmed the glow around his election as the United States’ first black president in 2008.
Obama spoke to both the American people and the world as he gave his
final foreign press conference in Lima, Peru.
But ultimately, those two audiences are inseparably linked, he
It was a key message as he prepares to hand over to President-elect
Donald Trump — who has spooked some in the international community with his volatile style and isolationist rhetoric.
Several of Obama’s fellow world leaders said an emotional goodbye as
they wrapped up a summit.
“It’s a great moment, but a sad moment, to have our last meeting,”
said Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.
“I am going to miss having Barack around,” said Canada’s Justin
Trudeau, in comments that were tinged with a sense of uncertainty about things to come.
Here are some key points from Obama’s remarks: