National News

AJK CEC decides to hold elections under Army’s supervision

MUZAFFARABAD, (APP): Chief Election Commissioner (CEC)
of Azad Jammu and Kashmir Justice Ghulam Mustafa Mughal has said
that the coming general elections in Azad Kashmir will be held under
supervision of Pakistan Army to ensure transparency and fairness of
the elections.
Addressing a news conference here on Saturday, he said the
commission had decided to prepare new voter rolls by its own
employees rather using NADRA to do the job due to constraint of
resources and these would be completed from March 5 to 20.
He said every citizen attaining the age of 18 years on March
20 will be enrolled as voter and the vote shall be registered only
on permanent address of the person to avoid double registration of
the vote.
Justice Mustafa Mughal said there shall be ban on big rallies
and public gathering during the election campaign to minimize the
expenditures of the candidates and the candidates had been barred
from carrying rallies at the time of filling of the nomination