International News

Trump keeps US guessing as candidates line up

a Democratic critic of US Syrian policy, a forgetful former Texas governor and a raft of media executives Monday as he built a team to implement his vision for America.
The US president-elect’s motley crew of advisors were gathered at his
Trump Tower offices in New York, and talk was of retired general James “Mad Dog” Mattis being nominated as secretary of defense.
Trump’s camp said no nomination announcements were imminent, but a
stream of would-be appointees made the pilgrimage through the gilded elevator doors to the Republican’s elevated sanctum.
“It could come this week. It could come today but we’re not in a rush
to publish names just because everybody is looking for the next story,” campaign manager Kellyanne Conway said.
Reporters had hoped for confirmation that Mattis, at least, would be
confirmed as a nominee.
Despite the 66-year-old Marine’s renowned frankness — “Be polite, be
professional, but have a plan to kill everyone you meet” — he enjoys warm
support in Washington and should sail through confirmation.
After Mattis, Trump’s other choices may prove more complicated, such
as that for secretary of state, reportedly between former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney and former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani.
Both met Trump over the weekend at the Trump International Golf Club
in New Jersey, but there was no steer as to which — if either — has the inside track to become Washington’s top diplomat.
Another possible pick for a foreign policy post is Hawaii
congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, a Democrat but — like Trump — an opponent of moves to drive Syrian strongman Bashar al-Assad from office.