International News

US govt issues travel alert for Europe ahead of holidays

WASHINGTON(MILLAT+Agence France-Presse) – The US State
Department has issued a travel alert warning in the run-up to the
end-of-the-year holiday season, warning Americans of a “heightened risk of
terrorist attacks throughout Europe.”
US citizens “should exercise caution at holiday festivals, events, and
outdoor markets,” it said late Monday, in an alert that expires on February 20.
Extremist groups “continue to plan terrorist attacks in Europe, with a
focus on the upcoming holiday season and associated events,” it added.
“US citizens should also be alert to the possibility that extremist
sympathizers or self-radicalized extremists may conduct attacks during this
period with little or no warning.”
It gave no further details.
The Islamic State group has claimed a string of terror attacks in France
and Belgium since January 2015 that have left more than 250 dead and hundreds