International News

Trump insists no conflict of interest with his business empire

WASHINGTON, (MILLAT+APP/AFP) – Donald Trump said
Tuesday his presidency would not be marred by conflicts of interest stemming from his business empire, but he was vague on what he would do to ensure this.
The issue of Trump reconciling his White House duties while owning
billions in assets around the world has been a key concern since he won the presidency on November 8.
“In theory I could run my business perfectly and then run the country
perfectly. There’s never been a case like this,” The New York Times quoted the real estate tycoon as saying in an interview.
“I’d assumed that you’d have to set up some type of trust or whatever
and you don’t,” Trump said.
But he added, “I would like to do something” to separate his two
areas of responsibility.
Trump has said so far that he would have his children take over his
American ethics law is lenient here: Trump is not required to give up
his business portfolio.
The Constitution does state that no one holding federal office can
receive a gift or “emolument” from a foreign government. But this does not mean they cannot do business with private partners overseas.
Trump said in the interview that in theory he can keep signing checks
at his company but that he is “phasing that out now” and turning it over to his children.
Trump also said a new hotel he owns in Washington is probably worth
more now that he is president-elect. He said his brand is now “hotter.”