International News

Mexican Senate votes to legalize medical marijuana

Senate voted overwhelmingly in favor of legalizing medical marijuana on Tuesday after a national debate on narcotics policy in a country mired in brutal drug violence.
In a major policy shift, President Enrique Pena Nieto proposed legalizing
medical marijuana in April after his government organized forums to discuss
changes to the laws.
Senators voted 98-7 for the legislation, moving Mexico closer to
joining several US states and other nations in Latin America in allowing cannabis for medical uses.
The bill — which now moves to the chamber of deputies — falls short
of demands among some lawmakers and civil groups who argue that a wider
legalization of marijuana use can help the country reduce drug-related violence.
But proponents said it is a major step that will address Mexicans’
need of an alternative medical treatment.
The bill authorizes the health ministry to design regulations for the
use, import and production of pharmaceutical products made from cannabis or
marijuana, including tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the plant’s main psychoactive ingredient.
The cultivation of marijuana for medical and scientific purposes will
not be punishable.